Fictive Salary BVG

Field Fictive Salary BVG includes Fictitious BVG annual income. The individual BVG employee deductions and BVG employer provisions are calculated based on this BVG annual wage. By changing the fields Wage Rate Amount, Monthly Parts, Wage Rate, Work ability % or Percents by position, the fictitious Salary BVG per BVG calculation date will be recalculated, if you choose to. The BVG annual income is calculated according to the wage master data (13 x or 12 x gross wage; under or without consideration of the percents by position). Of course, this field can be also changed manually (e.g., manual adjustment with other portions of wage subject to BVG).


The Fictive Salary BVG is taken into account now during the Wage Accounting process. This BVG annual income is divided by 12 months (monthly basis) and then is calculated using adjustments made in the Payroll Setup with the current BVG maximum and minimum limits. Thus, the coordinated monthly amount calculated with this process, serves as a base for the current calculation of individual insurance plans (risk, age, etc.).