Social security No.

The AHV number is the completely anonymous number that does not draw any conclusions about the holder. It thus corresponds to the current requirements of data protection.


The social security number is divided into three number groups:


Digits 1–3 = country code

Here, this is not the encoding of the nationality but the identification of the issuing country ‘Switzerland’. Since  the increasing mobility of insured is expected in the next few years, the insurance ID cards of the future generations of pension responders will be possessed by more countries, and it will be of great benefit for technical implementation that it can be already seen in the insurance numbers that they were issued by the Swiss social security. Therefore, 756 stands for Switzerland.


Digits 4-12 = Numbering

A total of 9 positions between items 4-12 are available for the numbering of the insured. From the standpoint of the user's convenience and so as to avoid spelling mistakes, it will be important at issuing to ensure that the sequence after positions four and eight will be separated by periods, and that the same numbers are repeated no more than twice and no leading zeros are used.


Digit 13 = Control digit

The implementation of control digit should prevent the usage of the wrong numbers. The system of control digits has already proven itself in today's social insurance number (11th digit) and other numbering systems.


When a new employee is recorded in the personnel card, it will be checked during the input of the social security No. whether it has been already assigned in the system. Thus, it is impossible that an employee will be counted twice.