Language Code

The Paycheck can be printed in different languages. If you do not enter a language code, the Paycheck will be printed in the language of the company. When printing Paycheck, you also have the opportunity to override language codes and print all Paychecks directly in the language of the company.


Please use Windows standard language codes, such as


DES = German (Switzerland)

DEU = German (Germany)

FRS = French (Switzerland)

FRA = French (France)

ITS = Italian (Switzerland)

ITA = Italian (Italy)



In order not to overwhelm the user with all Windows languages during language selection, there is a table listing all translatable languages. This table is automatically populated with Windows languages in language codes to avoid manual setup. However, the user can add another language at any time.


Language codes in Personnel, etc.:

Language codes continue to be used in Personnel, supplementary text, etc. with the appropriate translation then being selected via the Windows language ID of the language code.