First Name

Further information about life partners is collected for qsP persons with marital status “married” and “registered partnership” whose life partner is also employed in Switzerland. Partner's first name is displayed right in the Employee card. By clicking the assist button (...), you will go to subtables and see further information about the partner.


This input field is used to enter the partner’s first name.




This input field is used to enter the partner’s last name.

First Name

This input field is used to enter the partner’s first name.

Social security No.

If the qsP is married and the partner works in Switzerland, the Swiss social security number of the life partner is needed.


This input field is used to enter the employee partner’s profession.

Date of birth

This input field is used to enter the partner’s date of birth.


This input field is used to enter the partner’s address.


This input field is used to enter the partner’s nationality (ISO code 3166-2).


This input field is used to enter the partner’s gender.



Work Payment Type

Enter the partner’s income:

Option value for the life partner’s income situation

q ‘blank’ = no entry (default value)

q Work or Compensatory

q Work or compensatory and Annuity

q Annuity


Enter the partner’s occupation:

Option value for the partner’s occupation situation

q ‘blank’ = no entry

q Main job

q Side job

Place of work (Country)

Option value for the partner’s workplace (country)

q Switzerland

q Foreign Country

q Switzerland and foreign country

Place of work (canton)

Details about the canton where the partner works.

Work Start

The beginning (date) of the partner’s employment

Work End

The end (date) of the partner’s employment