Maximum Amount

If you have entered several payment addresses, you must also enter the maximum amount payable per payment method in this field.



Mr. M. is entitled to a monthly net wage of CHF 7'500. As Mr. M. has high debt liabilities, the company is obligated to send on a monthly basis CHF 3'500 to the responsible enforcement office. Mr. M. is divorced and is entitled to pay his wife and children alimony and maintenance payments in the amount of CHF 1'800 per month. The rest should be paid on his own PC account.



You need to enter three payment details for Mr. M. Fill in the current maximum amounts of the enforcement office and payment details of the wife in field ‘Maximum Amount’. The input field ‘Maximum Amount’ in payment details of Mr. M. remains empty. This means that the payments with maximal amounts will be made at first. Then, the remaining amount will be paid to Mr. M. Enter the payment details depending on the urgency.



For down-payment method during the actual down-payment process the beneficiaries with the maximum amount will be taken into account first. Any surpluses will be aligned to the recipients with the ‘maximum amount’ of CHF 0.00. During the actual pay process only the payment address of position 1 is considered.