Statistics (Swissdec 5.0)0)

Before Swissdec 5.0 certification, only LSE (Swiss Earnings Structure Survey) could be transmitted electronically via Salary declaration.


According to Swissdec Guidelines 5.0, LSE in “Salary declaration” was renamed to Statistics. The statistics transmitted includes the statistics below:

Swiss Earnings Structure Survey (LSE)

Swiss wage index (SLI)

Employment Statistics (BESTA)


Profiling Light update survey of Company and Business Register (multi-branch operations)


For correct processing by the Federal Statistical Office, the UID-BFS-No. must be stored in the Payroll Setup.

The periodicity of transmission is now monthly. The transmission is possible starting from the last calendar day of the month.

It should be noted that BESTA statistics lead to a dialogue message that appears every quarter. Therefore, the message under “Response pending” appears as of March 31/June 30/September 30/December 31. Please respond promptly to the dialogue message sent by the Federal Statistical Office. It is only possible to respond within a few hours, after which it is no longer possible to successfully submit this open report and the report must be created again from scratch.