
Vacancies are used to record persons not yet registered as personnel in SwissSalary. This way, you can also carry out budgeting for the employees to be hired. Vacancies card contains the same fields also available in the personnel card. However, we have reduced the number of fields in vacancies to be relevant to the recording of vacancies. You can also assign extra information to a vacancy like wage items, social security obligations and personnel dimensions. A new vacancy is recorded similar to the registration of a new employee in SwissSalary. A number series must be selected in the budget set-tings for the recording of vacancies.


The “Start” and/or “Actions” tabs in the Vacancy ribbon have the following functions:

Category name | Field name

Description / Example

Social security

You can assign social security obligations to the vacancy here.

Personnel dimensions

You can assign personnel dimension(s) to the vacancy here.

Wage items

You can assign wage items to the vacancy here (for example, anticipated fixed BVG contributions, flatrate expenses, private share of company cars, etc.)

Create from personnel

Using this function, you can create a vacancy from an employee present in SwissSalary. The data of the Source personnel No. will be transferred to the vacancy. You should make all necessary changes to the vacancy later (e.g., name, date of birth, wage, etc.)


If you call the “Create from personnel” function, a new window opens:

Personnel No.: You select here the SwissSalary employee whose data you want to transfer to the vacancy.

According to number series: If you check this box, the next available number of the series will be used (see Chapter Settings, Vacancies number series field)

Manually entered number: If the box “According to number series” is not checked, you can enter here a number to be used to create a new vacancy.

Convert to personnel

You can create an employee in SwissSalary from a vacancy. In this case, you do not have to reenter all the data.



The vacancy is then no longer available in the vacancy list. The Vacancy No. is used to create Personnel No.:

If the vacancy was in a budget structure, the Vacancy No. will be automatically replaced by the Personnel No. In this case, you do not have to re-adjust the budget structure(s).


If you call the “Convert to personnel” function, a new window opens:

According to number series: If you check this box, the next available number of the displayed series will be used.

Manually entered number: If the box “According to number series” is not checked, you can enter here a number to be used to create the employee.